Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Call things into being by prophet william

TUESDAY, October 6
“(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, [even] God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.”
Romans 4:17
Abraham is our Father of Faith, he was given a word by God that he has been made father of many nations, notice he didn’t say, is going to be made a father of many nations. Although he was about years old he considered not his body which was biologically dead nor did he consider the womb of his wife was way past reproductive capacity.
Notice, God was talking as if he was a father already, you see that’s how God speaks; he calls things which have not yet manifested in the physical as though they have. He doesn’t wait for them to manifest in the physical then change his language, you see his words are creative, they are spirit and life.
I have good news for you, you were created in his image and likeness and he has poured his spirit inside you. In other words you carry Gods DNA inside. He has placed his words into your mouth for you to call things into being. What things? You may ask, the very things which don’t exist in your life which you want to manifest in the physical.
Today you have been empowered to talk, speak and declare things into being like the Lord God. Call your health, peace, joy, marriage, business, wisdom and prosperity into being.
My tongue of flesh is removed and I take a tongue of the spirit to decree and declare things into being, they are established in the name of Jesus Christ.
Romans 4:17
Job 22: 28 PROPHET WILLIAM PRINCE http://prophetwilliamprince.blogspot.com/

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