Thursday, 29 October 2015

Prophet william prince biography

Prophet william prince  received a great calling from God for GLOBAL Ministry and this has been the thrust and
fuel which has put all things in place for prophetic embassy to go beyond
the borders of kenya  and Africa to reach the uttermost parts of the world. The Man of God has received and continues to receive great revelations from God combined with the unusual ability to rightly divide and teach the word
of God with such accuracy and precision worthy of an International Minister for the kingdom of God who is and will
be noted among the Great Man of God in the world in this era. This revelation continues to reveal and bring a better
understanding of the word of God and reveal new truths to anyone who hears the messages.
The Man of God has been appointed by God as a Prophet to
the nation of kenya  and beyond her borders. Prophet
William  has given numerous, true and accurate prophecies into the lives of many individuals proving that he
is indeed a true Prophet sent by God to the nations.called for prophetic ,healing and deliverance

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